Guess who is going to the eye doctor today. It's nice to go to a doctor where you get to keep your clothes on. I do, however, hate eye drops.
Both my grandma and mom had glaucoma so I'm always a little nervous to go because I'm afraid I'll be told that I have glaucoma too. I don't think I'm ready to take on any new diseases.
I do, however, know my eyes are not as good as they were. I'm sure I'll need a new prescription. I only need reading glasses right now but who knows. I've had cataracts removed from both eyes so at least I don't have to worry about that showing up.
In a show I did a number of years ago I had a large chart that I used to cross off body parts when they have failed -- if I had that chart today it would be nothing but "X"s. If I circled the parts that worked I'd have a great big tic-tac-toe game. Oh that reminds me I better make an appointment with my podiatrist.