Yep, that's my story and I'm sticking with it. And by the way, this one's for you:
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Sue Almost Killed Me
Happy belated birthday to my friend Sue. I feel bad that I forgot her birthday which was actually on the 29th. No good excuse even though on that day I woke up and thought to myself oh there is something so special about this day I wonder what it is then I brushed my teeth and took a shower all the time thinking about why is this such a wonderful day. At first I thought it was because I got to go back to work but even though that in itself is a great day, I knew there was something else. Well I got so distracted thinking about it when I was making breakfast I sat down once I put the souffle in the oven and I thought and thought "What is so special about this day" and I totally forgot about the souffle and bacon and fresh squeezed orange juice and homemade bread and jelly and the room became filled with smoke. I dropped to the floor and crawled on my belly to the door, trying to avoid the raging fire, and barely escaped with my life. And all because of you, Sue. Thanks a lot. You owe me a breakfast!!!!
Yep, that's my story and I'm sticking with it. And by the way, this one's for you:
Yep, that's my story and I'm sticking with it. And by the way, this one's for you:
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
After and After (The Styling Challenge)

So how was your Memorial weekend? Mine was okay but I had to work on a project I got on Thursday and had to be done ASAP so I put in about 16 hours of OT. Nice for the wallet, not so great for the spirit. These days it's hard to measure which one is more important. Took my sparent mom to the cemetery on Sunday to do the Grand Rounds as I call it. She has two sisters, her parents, and a daughter there so there are four stops. It was hot too but I'm glad this is something I can do for her. When we were there I noticed how much slower she's moving this year than last year and it dawned on me that I will eventually have to go through the loss of a second set of parents. I'm not sure if I have the stamina for this. So I decided not to speak them again and then I won't have to go through the pain. Ha, fooled you!!!!!
If I've learned anything since Freckles died it's that the greater the love the greater the pain of loss but OMG who would exchange all that love? That's why I'm thinking that I may actually get another dog someday despite all this pain because the joy still kicks the pain's butt.
Monday, May 21, 2012
Anniversary Thoughts

I was cleaning my place this weekend (yeah really I was) because I have a realtor coming over tomorrow, I pulled out a table and underneath it was one of her rawhide treats, half eaten. She must have stashed it there to chew on later. I always thought we'd grow old together but I guess the universe/God had other plans.
I still miss her so much I think my heart is going to break in two -- which will be very messy.
Friday, May 18, 2012
Well This Is Different
Well I thought I'd seen everything and now I have, I believe I have found what I'll be giving for Christmas this year. Nothing says "you mean so much to me" than the freedom to fart.
No it's for real and you can find in on ebay. And it's listed in some interesting categories: Home Improvement/Heating, Cooling & Air/Air Cleaners & Purifiers. Also in Home & Garden/Wedding Supplies/Bridal Shower. Well I guess if you don't want to give a set of casserole pans this is a gift that will get people talking. Of course it's the gift that will make the bride's grandmother think you are a tasteless no goodnick. And I think perhaps she's be right.
No it's for real and you can find in on ebay. And it's listed in some interesting categories: Home Improvement/Heating, Cooling & Air/Air Cleaners & Purifiers. Also in Home & Garden/Wedding Supplies/Bridal Shower. Well I guess if you don't want to give a set of casserole pans this is a gift that will get people talking. Of course it's the gift that will make the bride's grandmother think you are a tasteless no goodnick. And I think perhaps she's be right.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
It's a bird. It's a plane. It's Super Cutie
Isn't that the cutest little face you've ever seen (other than mine of course)? This is Maceo and I work with his dad. What a love bug -- you just want to kiss that little face all over. He's wearing his Super Maceo shirt and cape because he is protecting south Minneapolis. I know I will finally be able to get some sleep because he is on the watch. I believe his super power is cuteness. Any bad guy comes near him and their hearts just melt and they go away.
If I could have a super power it would have to be that I could turn invisible. I doubt that I would use it for good but I sure would have fun listening in on conversations and pushing stuff around and freaking people out. One of my favorite movie scenes is from "Ghost" when Patrick Swayze is freaking that guy out at the bank. I have a few mortgage bankers I'd like to "visit." But at least I'm not bitter.
Okay, off to work. Another day of butterflies, rainbows, puppies, kitties, and unicorns. Perhaps I should have my meds adjusted.
If I could have a super power it would have to be that I could turn invisible. I doubt that I would use it for good but I sure would have fun listening in on conversations and pushing stuff around and freaking people out. One of my favorite movie scenes is from "Ghost" when Patrick Swayze is freaking that guy out at the bank. I have a few mortgage bankers I'd like to "visit." But at least I'm not bitter.
Okay, off to work. Another day of butterflies, rainbows, puppies, kitties, and unicorns. Perhaps I should have my meds adjusted.
Monday, May 14, 2012
Candy Of My Youth (and this is not a romance novel)
On Saturday I went to the General Store to try to find something from my sparent mom for Mother's Day. I found some great things including an $85 purse (not going to happen) but what really caught my eye was the old fashioned candy section. I hadn't see these items for, well a long time. Vanilla Bonomo Turkish Taffy was my favorite growing up (I liked chocolate, banana, and strawberry also but vanilla was my favorite). And I tried to remember the theme song but couldn't. Fortunately I found it on the internet and sang it for the rest of the weekend. Come on sing along. Bonomo taffy was a dentist's dream and a parent's nightmare. Of course today Turkish Taffy sounds like code for some sort of opium.
I also found Nik-L-Nip (which actually sounds like a super hero with metallic breasts -- "Look out bad guys here comes NICKLE NIPS." I believed I spoke of these before -- it's a wax bottle with about 1/2 an ounce of colored sugar water with some artificial flavor. You bite off the wax top and guzzle it down as fast as possible. It was like a precursor to tequila Jell-o shots. And I'm warning Peter, Sue and Myrna that at our next gathering these are coming along so you better think ahead of time if you want a lime, lemon, orange, cherry or blueberry Nik-L-Nip because you are gonna be chug-a-lugging one of them.
There are candy buttons which are stuck to paper and you try to chew them off without getting too much paper to add to the delicious flavor. And, of course, candy cigarettes. It was so nice that the confectionery world got kids to see early on how cool it was to smoke -- they even have red tips so it looks like they are lit. I remember me and my friends walking around with these hanging from our mouths -- we would take them out and tap on the tips just like all the grown-ups did. We were in training for when we could have real carcinogens. You don't see candy cigarettes in stores anymore unless they are in the nostalgic candy section.
You have to wonder who came up with idea for candy cigarettes -- well you don't have to but it would help you to follow along with the next part. It makes as much sense as it would today to be selling candy crack rocks. "It looks just like the crack your mom and dad use but it's candy." Or perhaps wax hypodermic needles kind of like Nik-L-Nips but called Stick-L-Nips -- you bite off the tip and drink your lime, lemon, orange, cherry or blueberry heroin. Yum, yum. Add some root beer, fake tattoos, and a stained shirt that's too tight and you have yourself a new crop of reality show contestants.

There are candy buttons which are stuck to paper and you try to chew them off without getting too much paper to add to the delicious flavor. And, of course, candy cigarettes. It was so nice that the confectionery world got kids to see early on how cool it was to smoke -- they even have red tips so it looks like they are lit. I remember me and my friends walking around with these hanging from our mouths -- we would take them out and tap on the tips just like all the grown-ups did. We were in training for when we could have real carcinogens. You don't see candy cigarettes in stores anymore unless they are in the nostalgic candy section.
You have to wonder who came up with idea for candy cigarettes -- well you don't have to but it would help you to follow along with the next part. It makes as much sense as it would today to be selling candy crack rocks. "It looks just like the crack your mom and dad use but it's candy." Or perhaps wax hypodermic needles kind of like Nik-L-Nips but called Stick-L-Nips -- you bite off the tip and drink your lime, lemon, orange, cherry or blueberry heroin. Yum, yum. Add some root beer, fake tattoos, and a stained shirt that's too tight and you have yourself a new crop of reality show contestants.
Friday, May 11, 2012
Oh well, perhaps tomorrow
Yesterday I went to the doctor and got some pill to help me fall asleep. From the time I left home to the time I got to her office I cried. In her office all I did was cry. Then I cried all the way to work. I'm so tired of crying. I decided yesterday that I was done being sad. That from now on I'm going to think good thoughts about Freckles and remember the fun. Yep, that was my decision.
You know that old saying -- If you want to make God laugh tell her your plans (or him if that makes you happy). "Hey God, I'm not going to cry about Freckles any more." And God responds with this.
Well I took my little pill that was suppose to help me fall asleep. I only tossed and turned for an hour instead of two or three hours so that's progress but can you believe I woke up this morning and I was crying. I decided that didn't count because it happened in my sleep. Nothing you do in your sleep should count with the possible exception of walking in your sleep -- that should count towards exercising.
And I do think that when a person decides to be happy it really helps. I just think every once in a while you should be reminded that you really aren't in charge.
Going to the Twins tonight. My company has a suite and I'm the hostess with the mostest. It's usually kind of a boring time for me but I am looking forward to having shrimp. I'm going to go early to try to find the fried dill pickle stand. See I'm already getting happy.
You know that old saying -- If you want to make God laugh tell her your plans (or him if that makes you happy). "Hey God, I'm not going to cry about Freckles any more." And God responds with this.
Well I took my little pill that was suppose to help me fall asleep. I only tossed and turned for an hour instead of two or three hours so that's progress but can you believe I woke up this morning and I was crying. I decided that didn't count because it happened in my sleep. Nothing you do in your sleep should count with the possible exception of walking in your sleep -- that should count towards exercising.
And I do think that when a person decides to be happy it really helps. I just think every once in a while you should be reminded that you really aren't in charge.
Going to the Twins tonight. My company has a suite and I'm the hostess with the mostest. It's usually kind of a boring time for me but I am looking forward to having shrimp. I'm going to go early to try to find the fried dill pickle stand. See I'm already getting happy.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Doctor, doctor give me the news ...
I'm heading off to the doctor this morning. I can't get to sleep at night lately. I am tired, I go to bed, and I lay there for hours and hours thinking. If I get up I'm so tired and want to lie down but when I lay down I can't get to sleep. Sometimes I wake up about an hour later. It's horrible. Once I get to sleep I usually sleep through the night but ... well you get the picture.
I'm hoping there is something that will let me fall asleep faster -- quiet the voices -- and let me tell you I have a lot of voices to listen to when I try to get to sleep. There's the banker's voice telling me I have to move out, there's the work voice telling me I forgot to do something or better be sure I do something, there's my mom's voice asking me why do I wear that to bed -- what if there's a fire (apparently if you aren't wearing something more respectable than a t-shirt and shorts the fire department won't rescue you from a burning building), there's me wondering how I'm ever going to pack all of this up to move, and of course there is that sad little voice that is missing my sleeping buddy. The weirdest voice of course is Richard Nixon asking me why I hate him so. With all those voices it's hard to hear Keifer telling me how irresistible I am.
I hate taking drugs (I can hear a voice of me from the 70s saying "yeah right, you hate taking drugs) but I'm so tired and nothing "natural" is working so I guess I'll have to hope pharmaceuticals will come shining through. I just hope whatever I get doesn't make me contemplate my hands or give me the munchies so I walk around with Cheetos dust all over my face. That would be far out man.
I'm hoping there is something that will let me fall asleep faster -- quiet the voices -- and let me tell you I have a lot of voices to listen to when I try to get to sleep. There's the banker's voice telling me I have to move out, there's the work voice telling me I forgot to do something or better be sure I do something, there's my mom's voice asking me why do I wear that to bed -- what if there's a fire (apparently if you aren't wearing something more respectable than a t-shirt and shorts the fire department won't rescue you from a burning building), there's me wondering how I'm ever going to pack all of this up to move, and of course there is that sad little voice that is missing my sleeping buddy. The weirdest voice of course is Richard Nixon asking me why I hate him so. With all those voices it's hard to hear Keifer telling me how irresistible I am.
I hate taking drugs (I can hear a voice of me from the 70s saying "yeah right, you hate taking drugs) but I'm so tired and nothing "natural" is working so I guess I'll have to hope pharmaceuticals will come shining through. I just hope whatever I get doesn't make me contemplate my hands or give me the munchies so I walk around with Cheetos dust all over my face. That would be far out man.
Monday, May 7, 2012
Liar, Liar Pants On Fire
I know I said I wouldn't write about Freckles, but I lied. Yesterday I finished my photo album of Freckles. It was a good feeling to get it done. It will give me a forever record of her and us and good times. You can see it by clicking here.
On another note, it's nice to see such a nice sunny day --- ON A MONDAY!!!!!! I think I'll start working on Saturday and Sunday and take Monday and Tuesday off. It may be the only way I'll get two nice days off in a row.
And on yet another note, is anyone else as tired of seeing Mother's Day ads as I am? It's getting to be as bad as Christmas ads -- except, thankfully they haven't dragged out the Target lady for Mother's Day (I shouldn't have said that, now she's going to show up I just know it). It should be called Feel Guilty If You Don't Get Your Mom The Best Gift Ever Day (although Happy Feel Guilty If You Don't Get Your Mom The Best Gift Ever Day would put a crimp in the design of most cards). It's even more frustrating if your mom is no longer here because not only do you miss her but you feel guilty for not getting your mom the best gift ever. I remember being in Walgreen's one year and they had these little "Remember Mom" signs all over the place. I just felt having one in the feminine products aisle was kind of ridiculous. Happy Mother's Day -- here's a box of Summer's Eve so we can go running through a meadow together.
Happy sunny Monday.
On another note, it's nice to see such a nice sunny day --- ON A MONDAY!!!!!! I think I'll start working on Saturday and Sunday and take Monday and Tuesday off. It may be the only way I'll get two nice days off in a row.
And on yet another note, is anyone else as tired of seeing Mother's Day ads as I am? It's getting to be as bad as Christmas ads -- except, thankfully they haven't dragged out the Target lady for Mother's Day (I shouldn't have said that, now she's going to show up I just know it). It should be called Feel Guilty If You Don't Get Your Mom The Best Gift Ever Day (although Happy Feel Guilty If You Don't Get Your Mom The Best Gift Ever Day would put a crimp in the design of most cards). It's even more frustrating if your mom is no longer here because not only do you miss her but you feel guilty for not getting your mom the best gift ever. I remember being in Walgreen's one year and they had these little "Remember Mom" signs all over the place. I just felt having one in the feminine products aisle was kind of ridiculous. Happy Mother's Day -- here's a box of Summer's Eve so we can go running through a meadow together.
Happy sunny Monday.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
My Last Dog Blog?????
Sorry I haven't been writing lately. I've been so overwhelmed by losing Freckles it seems like that is all I think about and I have a feeling you are tried of hearing about her. So this is my last post about her ... I think (never say never or something like that).
Last Saturday I went and picked up her ashes at the vet's office. While it was difficult I have to admit it felt good to bring her back home. I also had a paw print made which was with the ashes. Unfortunately I didn't realize it had to be baked and you all know how good I am with home economics. I'm afraid it may end up along side the other disasters I've had in the kitchen. Perhaps I can hire someone to bake it for me.
Besides the paw print they gave me a certificate. It has gold around the edges -- you know the ones that they give you when you really haven't done anything but they want to pretend you have. I get those all the time from nonprofits in the hopes the certificate will urge me to give money. Well anyways this is a certificate of cremation. What the hell am I suppose to do with that? I suppose it's to assure me that these ashes belong to Freckles and not a raccoon that they found on the side of the road but this fancy certificate seemed a little off the wall. It's as if I'm suppose to frame it and hang it up next to my certificate for supporting Easter seals. I think I'll pass.
So Freckles is back home, I have a paw to bake, and a certificate to, well, toss out. I'm a very busy girl.
Last Saturday I went and picked up her ashes at the vet's office. While it was difficult I have to admit it felt good to bring her back home. I also had a paw print made which was with the ashes. Unfortunately I didn't realize it had to be baked and you all know how good I am with home economics. I'm afraid it may end up along side the other disasters I've had in the kitchen. Perhaps I can hire someone to bake it for me.
Besides the paw print they gave me a certificate. It has gold around the edges -- you know the ones that they give you when you really haven't done anything but they want to pretend you have. I get those all the time from nonprofits in the hopes the certificate will urge me to give money. Well anyways this is a certificate of cremation. What the hell am I suppose to do with that? I suppose it's to assure me that these ashes belong to Freckles and not a raccoon that they found on the side of the road but this fancy certificate seemed a little off the wall. It's as if I'm suppose to frame it and hang it up next to my certificate for supporting Easter seals. I think I'll pass.
So Freckles is back home, I have a paw to bake, and a certificate to, well, toss out. I'm a very busy girl.
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