Sunday, January 3, 2010

Back On Line -- Boy Am I Spoiled

I finally am back on line.  I did all the usual steps when I can't get on line and nothing worked.  Sat on hold for 40 minutes waiting for Comcast to tell me it's not their fault and transfer me to Apple.  The wonderful woman at Apple got me up and running in about 5 minutes.  I love Apple.

So yesterday I'm at the grocery store and I remembered its resolution time.  I stopped making resolutions -- well the traditional resolutions (I'll lose weight, exercise, get taller, keep my condo clean, find a cure for cancer, and be nominated for a Nobel prize in physics).  This blog I guess is my New Year's resolution.  Actually its my need to do something other than work, walk the dog, and watch television.  It is so easy to get in a rut.

I love to write but I come home and say "Oh I'm too tired to write."  You know it's not like I was out pulling a plow or digging ditches or chasing children for 8 hours.  I sit in an office at a computer and every once in a while I have to walk from the 16th floor to the 15th floor and then back up the stairs, but that's about it.  The truth is not that I'm too tired, its just easier to lay on the couch with Freckles and watch whatever is on.  So I'm hoping that this blog will inspire me to do even more writing.

So back to the whole grocery store and I remembered its resolution time -- I got sidetracked as usual (shiny object, shiny object) -- the first of the year you will always find the Lean Cuisine on sale, along with other "diet" products.  Every other commercial is either for Alli, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Lifetime Fitness, or some other weight loss/get in shape project.  Having been overweight all my life, and having lost as much as 100 pounds at one time, I can tell you what the secret to weight loss is -- being happy, creative, and liking yourself.  If you don't like yourself at 280 pounds, you aren't going to like yourself at 120 pounds -- I guarantee it.

Okay, I'm going to spend the day picking up -- I have a tendency to let things fall and stay.  I even bought a gift wrap organizer to put my leftover Christmas paper in.  Maybe this is the year I get organized --- oh I crack myself up.

Have a good Sunday.

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Thanks for taking the time to read my blog and comment. I have to check all comments to be sure you aren't saying nasty things -- are you saying nasty things???? I knew you wouldn't. Keep reading.