Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Shall We Dance? Perhaps Not!

This is my stapler ... don't take my stapler (okay that was for fans of Office Space, the rest of you talk amongst yourselves).  Office Space is a must see comedy along with Rat Race, Waiting for Guffman, Best of Show, and Silence of the Lambs (oh come on, Hannibal was a hoot don't you think?).

Geri, who you saw me talking on the phone with yesterday, has sucked me into the show "The Bachelor."  I actually have to record it so I can watch my boyfriend, Keifer Sutherland, on "24." There was this segment when one of the contestants decided to do a dance for Jake, a dance that came from her heart.  I am trying to picture the look on my ex-husband's face if I told him I was going to do a dance for him that didn't involve a pole or the removal of some object of clothing.  I believe I may have to work on a dance to do at work that shows what's in my heart.  Then the next time someone gets on my nerves, I can break into dance, or when someone does something great I can break into dance, or when someone shows me how they are feeling through dance I can show them how I am feeling through dance.  It would be a dance fest inspired by The Bachelor.

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