But the question he asked was "When you get up in the morning what do you see in the mirror? Do you see a marketing person or do you see a leader?" and I thought to myself "OMG I don't think I could get up each morning if that's what I saw." I know what he was trying to say, if you don't see yourself as a leader then you won't be a leader. But my thought was that I hope I'm a lot more than a job, a career, something that let's me bring home the Morningstar Fake Bacon Strips. I'm not even sure I would like to try to be a leader at a law firm ... I don't think you can ever achieve that without a law degree and I have no intention of getting myself one of them there leee-gal degrees. Plus being a leader can only lead to meetings, committees, spreadsheets, organizational charts and in the end it is all boiled down to a PowerPoint presentation. I think I may need to consider my career back-up plan -- street mime. Have you ever seen my woman trapped in a cubicle?
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