Yesterday I took a car full of "stuff" to Value Village. I've always been a person who had a lot of stuff -- little knick knacks, movies, books, etc. but lately I really am tired of all of it. I've been listening to a book called The Happiness Project and one of the first things the writer did as part of her project was to clean out stuff. And it really hit home for me. So that's what I'm working on -- downsizing. Hey why shouldn't I go with the national trend. Besides when I finally move it will mean less to pack, less to move, and less to unpack. And I know I'm going to find things that I don't remember having or why I bought it. Wish me luck, and if you don't hear from me in three days send the National Guard because I'm probably lost in a closet.
I'm happy u r following happiness project, and i will happily provide closet rescue if need be !