There are some great shows on now. My five favorites:
1. The Middle
2. Big Bang Theory
3. The Office
4. Criminal Minds
5. Harry's Law (new show -- it's fantastic)
I am, however, not as wild about Criminal Minds as I use to be. They are letting two of my favorite characters go -- JJ and Prentis -- and it has moved away from the psychological aspect to more and more violence. I hope they can recapture the original intent. I also like Project Runway and Modern Family.
If I could bring back five (recent) shows I'd bring back:
1. 24 (duh)
2. Monk
3. Flash Forward
4. West Wing
5. Homocide - Life on the Streets / Law & Order (the original) -- it's a tie. (Hey it's my game I can make or break the rules if I want.)
If I could bring back five "classic" shows I'd bring back:
1. Carol Burnett
2. The Muppet Show
3. Golden Girls
4. Cheers
5. Mary Tyler Moore
How about you? What shows do you love and miss?