Monday, January 31, 2011

Great Line From "Monk"

"I was born naturally but I was raised cesarean." I love that line. Saw it on a repeat Friday night. I miss that show. Even though at times you'd have to roll your eyes at some moments, it was always fun to watch.

There are some great shows on now. My five favorites:

1. The Middle
2. Big Bang Theory
3. The Office
4. Criminal Minds
5. Harry's Law (new show -- it's fantastic)

I am, however, not as wild about Criminal Minds as I use to be. They are letting two of my favorite characters go -- JJ and Prentis -- and it has moved away from the psychological aspect to more and more violence. I hope they can recapture the original intent. I also like Project Runway and Modern Family.

If I could bring back five (recent) shows I'd bring back:

1. 24 (duh)
2. Monk
3. Flash Forward
4. West Wing
5. Homocide - Life on the Streets / Law & Order (the original) -- it's a tie. (Hey it's my game I can make or break the rules if I want.)

If I could bring back five "classic" shows I'd bring back:

1. Carol Burnett
2. The Muppet Show
3. Golden Girls
4. Cheers
5. Mary Tyler Moore

How about you? What shows do you love and miss?

Friday, January 28, 2011

I'm A Yankee Doodle Tax Payer

Once again the work fairies didn't show up to do my work while I was gone. I'm going to have to put this in their permanent record.

This weekend I do my patriotic duty by filing my taxes. And hopefully the government will do its patriotic duty and return some money to me. I keep being told I should take more deductions on my payroll taxes so I don't have as much taken out but I really look forward to a big pay day at the start of the year. I know the idea is that I would take the extra money each check and use it wisely but I know myself well enough to know I would spend it on things like insurance and mortgage payments. I'm such a wild thing.

Other than that my weekend is going to be pretty quiet -- I hope. Freckles may have some wild notions about parties and keggers. I think she's been calling her boyfriend Wally and trying to set up a meeting. I should have never gotten her a cell phone of her own.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Back In Minnesota

Glad to be back and so glad to have Freckles snoring next to me at night. She had so much fun with my friend Mary and her family -- especially with their dog Wally. I took her soft-sided kennel over there and the other day when she was in there, and Wally was on the outside running around, she ripped her way out of the kennel. I'm so proud of her -- she's usually so quiet and complacent -- it's nice to see her show that spunky side I know is hiding underneath that cute face.

The flight home was uneventful -- no broken plane or hungry pilots to delay our departure. I did, however, find a little note in my suitcase when I got home that it had been opened and inspected by the TSA. I hope they enjoyed looking through my dirty clothes. What a hoot. I can only imagine the comments!

Well back to the office. I'm sure there will be a big welcome home celebration.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Another Day of Sunshine

Here I am sitting at a table waiting to welcome people to our exciting seminar. The lighting in here is meant to make you fall asleep and there is a vent right above me that is blowing cold air on me. Of course this means I will fall asleep and freeze to death IN CALIFORNIA -- oh the irony.

I'm ready to come home. I don't like business travel -- you never really feel comfortable. I miss my dog and my bed and my dog and my car and my dog and my couch and my dog. Did I mention I miss my dog?

Last night we went out to dinner and a lot of wine was consumed by others. That seems to be a big thing here in CA. And they talked about wine a lot too. I guess I could have talked about what happens when you drink too much wine but that might not have been appropriate.

Probably no post tomorrow. I have to be on a 6:30 a.m. flight --- but you never know what I'll do. I never know what I'll do. Stay warm. It's going to be 70 degrees outdoors but about -32 here at the table.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Fun in the Sun

Good morning from California. I'm here for work, really, until Wednesday -- I have to catch a plane at 6:15 a.m. if that makes you feel less jealous of me.

The highs are going to be in the 60s today. I may actually thaw out from the last few days at home.

I had an interesting plane ride here. The plane was suppose to leave at 9:15. When I finally got through security I saw that there was a delay until 10:20. So I thought I might as well go to the gate and wait. While sitting there the gate keeper announced that the reason there was a delay was because the plane was "broken." I'm not sure that was the right way to put it but that's what she said. And they were bringing us a new plane. After that announcement the gate keeper at the gate next to us announced that the plane to Sacramento was being delayed because there was a fuel leak. At this point I'm thinking I would just go home.

Well around 9:50 we get an announcement that the broken plane has been "fixed" and we will be boarding now. I'm wondering if the wings will have duct tape around them or something like that. Well while we are all excited to finally get going the next announcement is we have to wait because the pilot is off some where having breakfast. Oh brother.

Well thankfully other than that the trip was smooth and I landed in all this sunshine and warm weather. Sat outside with some friends yesterday afternoon. That was sublime.

But today I have to work ... oh yuck. But I can walk outside and get some sun. Now I just have to hope there's no earthquakes.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Too Cold To Think

This is what I looked like when I woke up this morning.

Well I'm getting my money's worth out of my electric blanket. I guess I won't be doing much sunbathing today.

Even Freckles doesn't like to frolic outdoors.

It's too cold to think any more. Hope you stay warm.

I just discovered a great thing about taking Freckles out for a walk in this cold ... it makes my home feel so warm.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I Can Hear You

What the heck am I doing up this early????? Oh that's right I have to be at work early. Bummer.

I would like to make an announcement to all people (including me) who have cell phones:


I was in the Skyway the other day and I heard this woman saying:

"I think I should go in and have it looked at. Last night I took my pants off and showed it to my husband. He said he didn't know what it was but thought it looked infected."

Of course now I'll never know if "it" was infected. I hate that. I know of instances where people have overheard conversations between a lawyer and a client in a coffee place or on the bus and the person was on the other side of the case. How stupid are you? There is no cone of silence that comes with the cell phone.

I also saw at work someone busily looking at their phone who got on the elevator, never pushed the button for the floor they wanted, and rode up to my floor before they finally came back to reality. Then he says to me "Where am I?" I replied "Earth."

Okay off to work. I hope I can remember to get off on the right floor.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A Great Day

It's Winnie-the-Pooh Day! Oh bother. Sorry Peter but you'll have to deal with it.

Peter doesn't like WTP -- I think he was once attacked by a bear in the 100 acre woods. I just can't imagine how you can't love this little ball of fluff. Oh well.

I've had this bear since I was a kid. We've been through a lot together. My favorite was when I was driving to California I put Pooh in the front seat on a box, put the seat belt on him, and off we went. Got lots of looks and honks along the way.

Have a good WTP Day.

Monday, January 17, 2011

I Want to Stay Home Too

Why don't I have today off too? No fair; no fair.

I remember working for a big local law firm when the MLK Day was first celebrated. They made a big deal about how they would be observing the day. What they didn't mention was that as long as they were giving us MLK Day off, then we wouldn't get President's Day off. They only wanted to be politically correct to a certain point. Screw Abe and George; Hello Martin. Oh well.

I finally put away all my holiday junk. Actually I didn't put it all away. I loaded up two big containers and a bag filled with things to give away. I went from six large containers to three and one of those containers has items I plan to give away next year or sell on eBay. I sold two of my Hallmark singing snowmen for a nice price. I was going to do that this year but someone (PETER) talked me out of it. I was right -- I really don't want to put all that stuff out anymore. It was fun for a long time, but it just isn't the thrill it use to be.

Well I better get Freckles out of bed and get going.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Remember When Burt Was This Hot?

Anyone else remember when Burt Reynolds was in Playgirl? This was the year he did Deliverance and they say it cost him the Academy Award. Today it would earn him an Academy Award.

So the Golden Globes is this Sunday. I haven't seen it for at least 4 or 5 years because it was always on the same night was the two hour premier of "24." I'm going to miss "24." I equate January with the start of a new season. Somehow by the time it was over in May I couldn't believe how fast time had flown. And there's nothing on TV that is even close to the intensity of the show. And what is my boyfriend Keifer going to do with all his spare time. I guess he'll have to tend to my every need. Hmmmmm, that could work out.

P.S. -- I think Burt Reynolds is still hot but don't tell Keifer - he's insanely jealous

Thursday, January 13, 2011

I Absolutely Do Wake Up Beautiful

This is kind of my windswept look minus the wind.

I am proud to say that I got up at 8:05 this morning and was at work by 8:55. This included taking Freckles out for a walk. What the heck I may do that every day – it gets the old heart pumping.

So I had my root canal yesterday and in the middle of the whole thing the dentist announces she has “hit a brick wall” and can’t get all the way to the root tip. “Ut ha hal” I exclaimed. You know I knew I shouldn’t have eaten all those bricks as a child. The next thing they will hit is a booger wall – but I digress. So the bottom line is that the original root canal was good because that dentist got as far as one could go and all this was done for nothing – well not exactly nothing -- $950 worth of nothing. Fortunately she said she’d only charge me half, which was okay but still.

I guess it was worth it just to see the faces on the staff when they looked at my chart and saw that I wrote in the spot that asked “What would you like us to call you?” and I wrote “Desiree, High Priestess of the Desert.” The dentist was a sport and kept saying “Your highness would you tilt your head to the left.” Comedy ain’t cheap.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Open Wide - Maybe A Little Wider

I'm having a root canal today at 9. Yuck. I had one last year and it didn't hurt (except for the Novocaine) but I still don't want to have another. They cost a lot of money and they are boring. And worse of all, I have to lay there for almost an hour and I can't talk. What are they trying to do to me? That's like torture.

I remember last time how often I had a pithy or witty thing to say but all I could get out was a muffled "ah dah do eh lah" which I believe was "That's what she said." I'm thinking of starting a new career as a dental interpreter. I would sit in the room and listen to what the patient is saying and tell the dentist. Of course I would have to clean it up a little I suppose.

On a different topic, my friend (and fashionista) Peter, said that he hated the shirt I was wearing in yesterday's picture -- loved the blog and picture but hated the shirt. I like the shirt because, in the dead of winter, it's bright and cheery and yet it's still warm. Any other opinions?

Well off to the dentist I go. Eh ee uhg. (Interpreted = wish me luck).

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

If You're Happy And You Know It ...

I feel good ... I knew that I would. Why? I gave a kick-butt presentation yesterday at work. Blew them out of the water. It's fun to do something you like. It's moments like this when I understand people who say they are lucky to do something they love for a living. Enjoy the moment.

Have you ever read "The Happiness Project"? It's an interesting book that's become a self-sustained industry. Gretchen Rubin writes about her own journey to become happy, or find out what makes people happy. The funny thing, for me, is I felt guilty reading it -- and I'm not even Catholic.

Why did I feel guilty? Because who am I to be happy when so many people in the world are suffering. But at the same time if I'm unhappy will that make those people any better off? It's one of those questions that is -- well stupid. I think people who are happy, who feel good about themselves and their life, are more likely to do something to help others or if not more likely at least they are in a better position to do something. In fact America was founded on the idea of the pursuit of happiness. That's why everyone comes here -- except perhaps for a few idiot terrorists -- to find their own happiness.

There are days when I'm not so happy -- and sometimes those days turn into weeks -- but I'm intent on finding more good days.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Going Wild

Guess where I went yesterday.

I use to be a big hockey fan -- especially the Minnesota North Stars. When they left and went to Dallas (hockey in Dallas?) I was heartbroken. It was great when Minnesota got a team again, but I never got back into it. Yesterday my company rented a suite at the game for some of our clients. I had a lot of fun. Great food, fun conversations, and I left with a bag full of cookies. What could be better -- okay, leaving with a bag full of money but cookies is the next best thing.

There was the cutest girl there -- Nora. She was probably 3, blond pigtails, and glasses. And Nora cheered during the entire game. She had on her Wild jersey and she had a pair of Wild pom-poms and she was either cheering or dancing the entire time. I loved watching her. We should all have the enthusiasm and joy that Nora has. She didn't seem to care if we won (which we didn't) or loss (which we did). She was in the moment. Her mind wasn't worrying about the drive home, should she stop for gas, how will the presentation go tomorrow, is her dog mad at her because she left her at home, did she leave the electric blanket on, it's going to be cold this week, how will she ever get all the work done, when will she find time to go through all that stuff, etc. Nora was at the game. Period. There's a lot to be learned from Nora.

So I better go. I need to put gas in the car and I have that presentation and there's those invites that need to go out and .... NORA TAKE ME AWAY!!!!!!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Too Much Information

This is the insert from one of my meds for asthma. There is a small section that shows how to use the inhaler and how to take care of the inhaler but the rest is about clinical studies and charts and blah, blah, blah, and why the heck do they give that to me? I suppose if I sue they can say in court "Well we provided Ms. Hirsch with the chemical formula and the cumulative incidence of asthma-related deaths if only she had taken a week off of work to read it."

My friends Peter and Sue have said they want to write an entry for my blog. I'm waiting to see it. You are also invited to write an entry. Just let me know.

So the weekend is almost here. Other than reading my Advair insert, I have a lot of fun plans. Hope you do too. Have a good one.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Better Late Than Never ...

but better never late.

This is how my head felt this morning. It was like a hangover without the booze. Not fair -- if I have to feel like this I should have at least felt "good" last night.

Had a heck of a day. I'll do better tomorrow. TTFN

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Routine Sucks

Have you ever had one of those mornings when you just can't get both eyes to open?

Trying to get back into the "routine" that PETER so loves is not going well for me. (By the way SUE would rather not have me mention PETER any more in my blog because it feeds his ego.) I walk into my place and my eyes go immediately to the couch where I want to plant myself for the rest of the evening.

My niece Britta called me last night. One of the windows in her car fell down and won't go back up so she's driving around in this cold with the window down. I suggested that she roll her car and maybe when it's upside down the window would come back up and then she could duct tape it. I wonder why I don't have one of those call-in radio shows to help people with car problems or personal problems. I would be excellent at either of those jobs.

Heard we're getting snow today --- yippee I can't wait.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I Wanna Snuggle

This is where I want to be ... snoozing in bed with Freckles. It's not because I'm tired, it's just that I'm so COLD!!!!!
Oh well. So in the past two days I've had three friends comment to me about all the ASPCA commercials that were shown this past weekend. They are so sad and hard to watch. I finally broke down and succumbed to their pleas and joined just so I don't have to run out of the room, or flip the channel, every time the commercial comes on.
When I first started to see the commercial every time it showed up I'd have to hug Freckles. I think she was starting to get wise to me because when the first notes of Sara McLaughlin started up she'd run out of the room.
I really don't understand how anyone could abuse an animal ... how sick would you have to be to do something like that? I saw a bumper sticker that said "Abuse an Animal Go to Jail" and thought it should say "Abuse an Animal Go to Hell - and I'll help you get there" but I guess that's not appropriate.
Well back to work. Busy, busy, busy -- the work fairies did NOT show up AGAIN to do my work while I was gone. Bad Faries, Bad, bad fairies.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Embrace The Routine

This morning there was no hot water and next to no heat. What a great way to go back to work. I wonder if the bus will have no heat and no gas and we'll have to push it downtown!!!

I actually had scheduled this day off but I'm going back because I know I have a lot to do and as my friend Peter said it's kind of good to get back to a routine. Of course I'll be sick of the routine by Tuesday but that's okay.

I had so many things I was going to get on my time off but I did next to none of them. In fact my Christmas decorations are still up and I always take them down on the 1st or 2nd. I believe they will be up until summer at this pace.

The good news about the holidays ending is that Golden Girls reruns are back on Hallmark. I miss having breakfast with Dorothy, Sophia, Blanche & Rose. It's good to have them back.

Well at least it will be warm at work -- I hope.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Extra Extra

I have put all the photos from 2010 in one place on Flicker. Kind of fun to see my hairstyles change.

No Mom, I Don't Want To Back To School

Well vacation is almost over ... darn. Let's see what was I going to accomplish -- oh well.

There was "BREAKING NEWS" on Channel 4 -- you know what you think of when they say that -- disaster, death, devastation but no the "BREAKING NEWS" is that Brett Favre's football career is over, he won't be playing today. Well I'll believe it when I turn 57 on Aug 8 2011 and he hasn't come back like he has the last two birthdays. I wanted a toaster over, not a quarterback.

My goal for today is to find the Target receipt from Friday -- what could I have done with it in such a short period of time? I should start taping these things to my forehead. I know it's in here some place. Wish me luck as I enter the great abyss I call my home.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy 2011

(left - 1-1-10; right - 1-1-11)
I believe I've actually gotten better looking since last year ... like that's such a shock.

Happy New Year and Happy Anniversary. I started this blog one year ago when I looked in the mirror and was amazed at how "beautiful" I looked. And I think I've done pretty good. I only missed 39 days and most of those were this fall when I was in a gigantic funk. But hey I've upped my meds and I'm feeling fine!

My new year started off strangely. First, I couldn't sleep. Went to bed about midnight and I just laid there tossing and turning for hours. I finally got up and played on the computer for a while and went back to bed and continued tossing and turning. During the night I heard a lot of people outside having a party of sorts but the noise pretty much died down around 1 except for this one guy you'd hear every once in a while yelling -- I think he was trying to get someone in the building to let him in. Well at around 4 I heard him yell something about a "dickweed" and then crash, I heard the glass for the building's door breaking. I called 911 and then waited to hear someone in the hallway. When I didn't I went out there and there was glass everywhere.

The most amazing part of the story is I actually went back to my unit, got a broom, and cleaned up the mess because I didn't want any of the dogs in the building to get glass in their little paws when they got up this morning. Did you read that correctly? Yes! I cleaned. And I think I fell asleep around 6 and woke up at 8.

So my 2011 started with 2 hours of sleep, a "dickweed" attack, and cleaning. Wow -- can't wait to see what the rest of the year brings.