This is where I want to be ... snoozing in bed with Freckles. It's not because I'm tired, it's just that I'm so COLD!!!!!
Oh well. So in the past two days I've had three friends comment to me about all the ASPCA commercials that were shown this past weekend. They are so sad and hard to watch. I finally broke down and succumbed to their pleas and joined just so I don't have to run out of the room, or flip the channel, every time the commercial comes on.
When I first started to see the commercial every time it showed up I'd have to hug Freckles. I think she was starting to get wise to me because when the first notes of Sara McLaughlin started up she'd run out of the room.
I really don't understand how anyone could abuse an animal ... how sick would you have to be to do something like that? I saw a bumper sticker that said "Abuse an Animal Go to Jail" and thought it should say "Abuse an Animal Go to Hell - and I'll help you get there" but I guess that's not appropriate.
Well back to work. Busy, busy, busy -- the work fairies did NOT show up AGAIN to do my work while I was gone. Bad Faries, Bad, bad fairies.
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Thanks for taking the time to read my blog and comment. I have to check all comments to be sure you aren't saying nasty things -- are you saying nasty things???? I knew you wouldn't. Keep reading.