Hope you had a good Memorial weekend. Each year I watch the PBS Memorial Concert and have a good cry. I never cease to be amazed and humbled by men and women who have served our country in the armed forces knowing that they are putting their life on the line.
I discovered that besides going to cemetaries, everyone seems to go to Target on Memorial Day. I decided to return something because I was going to be in that area anyways and I found a parking lot crowded with people looking for that good parking spot. I know on Labor Day Target is full of parents and kids getting supplies for the first day of school, but I have no idea what people are getting on Memorial Day -- I suppose supplies for summer?
This morning I realized something important -- I can gauge my mood by how many times I push my snooze button. This morning it was four times -- not a good sign. I can also tell how I'm feeling by how long I just stand in the shower not doing anything but standing there, or how long I just sit on the commode (my grandma said you should never say toilet in public) listening to my shower running. I won't tell you how long that was but let's say I'm facing another day with the same enthusiasm one may feel for a colonoscopy, a four hour flight in the middle seat of coach, or the coming elections.
Well me and my new summer purse are off to face the world AGAIN. Are you ready for us?