There are only a few things I'd like to do travel wise -- swim with dolphins is one, visit my nephew and his wife in Chile, spend a week in New York, spend a week in Washington DC, and spend a couple of weeks in Greece. I hope to be able to do at least two of them someday. I'm very good at someday planning - not so good at someday follow through but you never know when that will change. I haven't given up on me - yet - but it's only Wednesday and I still have time this week to give up.
Today is also Oprah's last show and it's kind of like the royal wedding - I'll be glad when it's over. There is so much hype around it that you just want it to be over so the world can move on to the next big thing - like the do-over rapture now coming to you in October. I would also like basketball and hockey to end. Neither of these sports should still be going - it is baseball season and squeaky shoes and ice skates should be put on the shelf until this fall.
And finally, a question regarding Glee -- Aren't any of the members of Glee seniors who graduate? I guess not because all the love drama will be returning in the fall.
I don't watch Glee (tried to once but the ridiculous zombies on the football field were just too much) but that's a good observation. I do believe Wally grew a year or two younger over the course of the Beave shows. I can no longer watch programs that have 25 - 30 yr olds playing HS students. But I can watch Criminal Minds over and over. Go figure.