Here are some gift ideas from the past. They will warm the cockles of your heart -- if you are Newt Gingrich or Rick Perry. Speaking of warming the cockles of your heart -- what is more Christmasy than
Santa and a machine gun. I believe this is where the new holiday hit "Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer And Then She Retaliated With Gunfire" came from. Talk about "You'll shoot your eye out"!!!

I'm taking off work today to do some shopping and finish up my cards, etc. My friends Peter, Sue & Myrna (who used to be the other Sue until I changed her name) are coming over for our annual Reindeer Games celebration. We eat, laugh, watch Rudolph, laugh, eat and -- you get the picture. There is always the discussion of why the doll is on the Island of Misfit toys (I think she has syphilis) and the singing of "Why Am I Such as Misfit." I have a collection of talking Rudolph characters that I've had for many, many years. This year I am sending them home with Myrna. She has three kids at home 10, 7 and 3 and I think they'll have a lot of fun with them. It's kind of like a scene from Toy Story when the toys get to go to a home where they'll be played with instead of left sitting on a shelf for a few weeks a year. It's part of my effort to start "thinning the herd" of crap that I have. I believe "crap" is the exact term interior designers use when referring to items that sit on shelves or in boxes in closets.
Have a fun day ... I'm off to stimulate the economy.
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