All for District 12 stand up and holler. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Oh yes the day has finally come ... tonight, or perhaps I should say tomorrow, at 12:01 a.m. I will be at the Southdale IMAX to watch The Hunger Games. Oh yes, I'm one of those crazy people. Actually with the exception of The Rocky Horror Picture Show I've never gone to a midnight movie -- oh wait, I guess there were some drive-ins but never mind -- TONIGHT I attend my first, and I'm pretty sure my only, first showing of a movie at 12:01 a.m. on the release date. My friend Lisa, who never sleeps anyways, is going with me. I'm so excited .... I want to go now and get a good seat but I guess I'll have to wait.

So my next post will be around 4 in the morning, and I'll give you my movie review. Or maybe 3 in the morning. The movie starts at 12:01 and lasts 2 hours and 20 minutes so we won't be out until 2:30 at the earliest and then I have to take Lisa home and when I get home I'll have to take Freckles out for a potty break and hopefully not get mugged in the process so, yes, if all goes well, I should be back at my computer around 3 in the morning. And, yes, I'm taking Friday off as a vacation day so I can bask in the glory of my morning at the theater.
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