So in my previous blog I said I was going to start a website about my friend Dale Wolf and I am proud to say I have done so. It is www.dalewolf.net (because someone actually already had dalewolf.com). It's just a home page right now but if you go there you can hear her singing "Smile." I will post more soon.
And now for my Public Service Announcement: "Do you sometimes feel bad about yourself? Think that you are a loser? Well pick yourself up and dust yourself off because I bet you can say with all honesty 'Hey, I may not be perfect but at least I didn't go shopping at Target while wearing sweatpants -- backwards.'" Yes, yesterday I ventured to Target for the first time in over two weeks (I'm surprised they hadn't gone out of business) and when I got home I realized I had put on my sweatpants backwards. You know it's bad enough that my stomach still hurts too much to wear jeans so I have to go everywhere in sweats, but to have them on backwards. Oh well, at least I wasn't wearing two bras (or was I, and wearing them backwards). May God have mercy on my soul.
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Thanks for taking the time to read my blog and comment. I have to check all comments to be sure you aren't saying nasty things -- are you saying nasty things???? I knew you wouldn't. Keep reading.