1. I went to the doctor for my yearly exam. She just returned from Haiti where she goes every year to volunteer and she was kind of tired. I think she forgot to do the probing portion of the exam -- yippee.
2. I applied for my passport so I can go swimming with the dolphins next fall.
3. Got my license tabs.
4. Found a good birthday present for my friend.
5. Went to the Container Store -- one of my favorite stores in the world.
6. Got a LeeAnn Chin salad.
Now I'm home with Freckles. We are going to go renew her dog and off leash park licenses. She was suppose to do that last January but she keeps putting it off and putting it off so I guess I'll just have to do it for her.
Finally, I'm happy the Congress finally passed a health care bill. I realize many see it as the downfall of the nation, but I just hope that it will really help people who need it.
Okay, I'm out of here.
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