My friend Geri's daughter Natalie is getting married this Saturday in California and I'm going to the wedding. She and Robert have really had quite a journey to this day. Shortly after they got engaged Robert was diagnosed with cancer. He's gone through treatment and right now is in remission, but through the whole thing he would not let Natalie postpone the wedding -- he was determined to be there. And it will be my privilege to be there too. This is a picture after they got engaged in Italy. They went there after Natalie graduated with her Master's degree in social work. These are two amazing people.
Of course these two amazing people are going to have a few crazy old ladies at the wedding - there's me, Geri, and Geri's friend Barb. And we will all be on the same plane going out. I feel sorry for the flight attendants on that plane not to mention the other passengers. Watch for any disturbances in the skies tomorrow.
And as for yesterday in the hot, humid sun - that sucked. I was outdoors for most of the afternoon. I put on sunscreen and still ended up sunburned. It's the curse of the fair-skinned Irish/Norwegian which sounds like an incredibly boring horror film.
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