Hope you had a great weekend, I did. I had a chance to go to dinner with Lori, my best friend from high school. Her parents are the sparents I spoke of before. I have to admit as much as I miss my mom and dad I'm glad I don't have to do all the work she is doing. Last week they had their bathtub removed and replaced with a walk-in shower. Lori now is left with cleaning up the mess. There is plaster everywhere and she is dusting walls, washing linens, etc. I don't even want to do that at my own place much less someone else's place.
I'm going to take classes this fall in web development and design. I better hurry up and do my back to school shopping. I'll need some new outfits, a notebook, pencils, crayons, paste, pencil box, lunch box, flatscreen tv, GPS, iPad, oops, perhaps I've gotten carried away again. One of the nice things about taking the class is I can get the computer programs that I'll be learning for dirt cheap because I'm a student. Hooray. Do you think you can get a new couch for less if you're a student? You should be able to.
Of course with taking classes come the typical concerns about having time to work on my assignments, juggling school with work, who will I sit with on the bus, will anyone ask me to homecoming, should I sign up for the pep squad AND dance committee? This is a lot of pressure to deal with. I think I better go see my school counselor -- I hope he's hot!!!
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