Thursday, September 30, 2010

The End of September?!?

Oh my how fast it's gone. Sure wish Feb and March went as quickly.

So it's bonus day at work. I sure am glad for the extra dough-re-mi. What ticks me off is the government takes almost 50% of a bonus. It's not like I'm getting a CEO bonus of hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of dollars. I think it really stinks. Do you hear that big government I think it really stinks. OMG, I may have just crossed over to the tea side. No, NEVER.

Have a good Thursday, I'm going to head off to the Dollar Store for a big spending spree. I think Beef-a-roni is 5 for $1 today.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Okay So I Missed A Day

Sue me ... no wait don't do that. Sorry, about that. I'll try to do better.

"Don't try, do."

Oh shut up Yoda. Last night I started my HTML 2 class -- yes I've advanced to 2. Actually in order to advance from 1 to 2 you just had to show up to both of the "1" classes.

Writing HTML code reminds me of when I took math classes. I actually loved math because it was so logical, but no matter how hard I tried, I could never follow what the teacher was saying in class. I'd kind of get it, but I had to go home and sit with the book and figure it out for myself. I feel the same about code -- back slash, <, >, attributes, yada, yada, yada. My instructor is a great guy but he goes so fast and when he says "So does everyone have that," I'm still trying to adjust my chair. But I'll get it, I think. I just want to get to the part where we get to design a website. Right now I do, however, know how to create toggle buttons and dancing stars. I'm sure there's a job out there that needs those two skill sets.

Last night I woke up at 2 in the morning yelling "Are you out of your mind?" I was dreaming that someone, I have no idea who, wasn't given a promotion and I was yelling at the people who voted against him. This doesn't happen too often but every once in a while I will wake myself up by yelling something or, better yet, by laughing. I wonder what the heck Freckles must think of that. I also wonder if I talk a lot in my sleep. Could someone come over and listen to me sleep and let me know? What no volunteers? Come on, I'll teach you code - no wait then you'll fall asleep.

Well hi ho, hi ho. Have a good Wed-nes-day.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Initial Confusion

Happy Monday from me and Freckles. I'm the one on the left.

So I'm driving home down Dunwoody Blvd. and there is a sign that says "IAWP Overflow Parking." Have you ever seen a set of initials and tried to figure out what it is. Well I do because my life is full and wonderful that way. For the rest of the trip home I'm thinking "Insane And Weird Plumbers," "Intelligent Animals With Pimples," Inventive Accountants Wearing Purple," and finally, my favorite "International Association of White People."

I went on line to try to find out what it really means, because I was pretty sure it wasn't any of my thoughts, and discovered it is the International Association of Women Police, who are holding their 2010 conference here in Minneapolis. Probably a bad time to commit a crime with a town filled with police women, darn just when I was planning a big caper.

So have a good Monday and for god's sake don't jay walk.

Happy Birthday TT

Happy birthday to my big brother Steve -- who I call T.T. When I was a kid I couldn't say Stevie so I called him T.T. and well, I still do. Of course he wanted to name me Tanky so he still calls me Tanky so I guess we're even.

Anyways, happy BD TT from your favorite sister Tanky (you just can't find a Hallmark card for that one).

Friday, September 24, 2010

On The Radio

Here is proof that I am "working" at home today. Look at how serious I am, studious, and determined to complete the important task in front of me.

I was just on the radio, KOOL108's 10 at 10 playing my list of 10 songs that I suggested. It was fun to do. Here's the list and why I chose it:

Brandy -- reminds me of when I was in the basement at home doing decoupage, determined to make a living as a decoupage artist.

Sundown -- reminds me of the first apartment I ever had, a shoebox efficiency that I kind of wish I was back in now.

Rock The Boat -- heard it when the radio announced that Nixon had resigned

One Tin Soldier -- of course the movie Billy Jack

Hard Day's Night -- screaming at the movie at the Edina Theater

I Can See Clearly -- ironing ruffles on the fancy Tuxedo shirts at Pennhurst Cleaners

Horse With No Name -- my friend Leslie was singing it in the car as "I've been to the desert on a horse with Joe Namath."

You Made Me So Very Happy -- my first slow dance with a person (previous to that it was only with my pillow)

Higher and Higher -- moving into an apartment in the middle of a flash flood, this was on the radio as we tried to drive through a small pond that had formed on the roads

You Are the Sunshine of My Life -- I was listening to this while I put together a set of shelves

Amazing how a song can remind you of something so small as putting together shelves.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

I Iz A Grajuate

Well after two weeks of hard work I received my HTML/XHTML I: Images, Links & Tables Certificate of Completion. My parents would have been so proud.

In fact the certificate is larger than my degree from the University of Minnesota which took me 4 years of thousands of dollars to get.

I can hardly wait to go on to HTML/XHTML II. The story continues.

Actually it is kind of cool to find out how websites are created. When you think of it, it gives you a lot of power to be able to do that. Oh, I know you can get those prefabricated websites and just plop in your information. (By the way, I love the words "plop" along with "splat" and "blah" as my favorite onomatopoeias. And you thought I wasted those thousands of dollars on college.)

So, to keep you updated on the funk meter -- better than earlier this week. By the way, there's a difference between being in a funk and being funky. I will always be a funky gal, just hopefully a funky gal not in a funk.

Party on.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

35 Is The New Stupid

I'm watching "Everybody Loves Raymond" on TVLand and there's an ad for the show "She's Got The Look," a TV show about women over 35 who are trying to be models. One woman is heard to say "That's the nice thing about being over 35, you can be fearless." Oh, honey, you are such a blubbering idiot.

Here are some things you have to fear: you are going to start working about bone loss; you could break a hip (leg, knee, arm, wrist, ankle, back); you will have no money when you want to retire; they will raise the retirement/Medicare age on you; you will be fired for being too old; you can't find a new job because you're too old; your bladder is going to start to leak; you will have pains associated with changes in the weather; etc. etc.

Someone who is 35 isn't "starting over;" they've barely started. Talk to me when you're 50. What? Huh? Oh yes -- "Bitter, party of one."

And, GO TWINS!!!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Nose In My Text Book

If you ever are sitting around and thinking what can I read that will put me right to sleep -- I would suggest HTML, XHTML & CSS. I have read 7 chapters and I'm not sure I know much more than when I picked it up.

I'm glad I'm taking a class because it is hard to learn computer programs from books, although I have learned a lot of programs just by trial and error, mainly error. Thank god for the UNDO button. I wish life had an UNDO button we could use. There are a number of things I would undo.

Of course sometimes when I think about the things I would do over I think about the people I never would have met if I hadn't done what ever. You know, I think if I hadn't moved to California I would have saved all that money, but I may have stayed in the same job and never met some of my favorite people.

And I might never have gotten my current job and I wouldn't be taking a class that let's me read HTML, XHTML & CSS -- I guess it's the circle of get-a-life.

By the way, on the funk meter, Monday was a good day. I had the day off so I worked on my homework and I took Freckles to have her nails cut (I still think I should get a 25% discount since she only has 3 legs), and went to LeeAnn Chin and ate sweet and sour chicken. It doesn't get a lot better than that does it?

Get Out Of The Funk

What's up with me? I don't know. I can't seem to get out of this funk I've been in lately. I took today off from work and slept until 9:00. I think given the option I would sleep until 9:00 every day.

I don't want to feel like this, I want my energy back. I want to be out having fun and enjoying life but instead I just want to lay on the couch and sleep.

I'm going to buy the book "The Happiness Project" and see if I can find some answers there. Or I'm going to buy something like 1001 Drinks You Should Try Before You Die and see if there are any answers there -- no wait, I've already tried that and it didn't work all that well. I'll get out of this funk -- stay tuned.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Big Bang Is Boffo

I watched the Big Bang Theory for the first time last night -- it is hysterical. See it's always been on Monday night and well, 24 was on Monday night, and well I just couldn't watch it. Of course now it's changed to Thursday when I can actually watch it on Monday but I'm glad it's not on Monday because I want to watch Dancing with the Stars which is on Monday and I'm glad it's not on Tuesday because I have class on Tuesday and well, it could have been on Wednesday, but it's not because it's on Thursday and it's not opposite The Office so I can now watch it.

So, what's up with you?????

Thursday, September 16, 2010

It Was A Dark and Stormy Morning

This is where I want to be all day. Snuggling with my Freckles, reading a book, and watching movies. But alas, that won't pay for the book or movies or dog food so I am at work.
My five favorite movies you ask
1. Casablanca
2. Elf
3. Waiting for Guffman
4. Music Man
5. The Sting
I'm sure that would change from time to time but those are five movies I can watch over and over again and love every minute.
Books I can read over and over -- not many:
1. Wrinkle in Time
2. To Kill a Mockingbird
3. Six of One
4. House at Pooh Corner
5. Reading Books Over and Over For Dummies
How about you? What are your favorites?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Take Two Beers and Jump

Remember our old friend Steven, the flight attendant who told everyone to f* off, grabbed a couple of beers, and jumped off the plane -- well I have to say he is on my mind today.

I got one of those emails yesterday that just makes you want to take two beers and jump. There are some people in my world who don't care much for me -- can you imagine? And the email was from one of them. He's very much tradition while I'm very much, well not traditional. (The picture, for instance is the cake I ordered when I was put in charge of the birthday cake for May. We always have the same old cake -- Happy [Fill in the Month] Birthdays -- and I thought it would be fun to do something different.) So Mr. T(radition) and I often do not see eye-to-eye and that's okay. In fact I'm glad that we don't agree because I wouldn't want to be on Team Boring, but I know there are emails flying about me to others and I wish just once in my life I could take two beers and jump. Oh well, maybe I'll just take two beers.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A Nice Warm Feeling Isn't Always A Good Thing

So last night I'm sitting on the couch with Freckles sound asleep next to me. I just finished watching "The Closer" and I thought "what's that nice warm feeling coming over me" when I realized Freckles had peed in her sleep.

This was the first time she's ever done that and how mad could I get -- she was probably having a dream that she was outside in the grass. I can't tell you how many times I've been dreaming I'm on the porcelain throne when I wake up just in time to realize I'm not there but better get there soon. When I picked her up she looked as shocked as me. So there we are ... two aging ladies with bladder issues.

She has, actually, peed one other time on the couch. That was after my friends Sue, Sue, and Peter had been over. Peter had chosen to sit on her end of the couch. After they left she walked over and marked her territory. A girl's got to do what a girl's got to do.

So the next time a nice warm feeling comes over me, I'm going to check for precipitation.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Forgotten Moments

I have a confession to make -- Keifer Sutherland is not my real boyfriend -- okay that's not the only confession I have to make -- September 11 came and went without me actually thinking about the events that happened nine years ago. It wasn't until I watched some of the Sunday morning news shows that it dawned on me. I knew it was coming because my company had its picnic on 9/11 and I remember thinking at the time about the day, but on Saturday that thought had gone away.

I remember that a few years ago when 9/11 was on a Saturday or Friday, there was an article in the paper on the fact that people were not getting married on 9/11 so hotels had a lot of vacancies and you could get a good deal on the rental. But I know people are getting married on 9/11 because I saw two weddings on the way home from the picnic. I always want to yell "Don't do it" when I drive past a wedding party but I try to refrain myself.

I guess we've moved on and I have no idea what it all means.

Friday, September 10, 2010

I'm Still Blaming It On The Bossa Nova

That's why I didn't post yesterday. Blame it on the bossa nova baby.

I'm in cool weather heaven. Got to wear my sweatshirt this morning when I took Freckles out, and Freckles is much more energetic. Let's face we are not a hot weather family.

Yesterday I had the best breakfast at Peter's Grill in downtown Minneapolis. I had French toast. I love French toast but I can't make it to save my soul -- which, let's face it is way past the saving point. It is always either soggy or dry -- and that's the kind I buy that's frozen and you just stick in the microwave. Imagine what it would turn into if I actually made it from scratch.

Have a good Friday (of the non-religious type). It's almost the weekend. Now it's back to the bossa nova.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

First Day Of School Is Always The Toughest

Well I had my first day of school. I sat next to this woman who I will not sit next to again. She’s about my age but she comes walking in with her designer coffee and fancy leather briefcase and those black glasses that Elle Woods wore in Legally Blond. All during the class she did two things: 1) she chewed gum with an occasional snapping here and there (which annoys me no end); and 2) she keep nodding her head when the instructor spoke. Why are you nodding your head in agreement? You’re taking the class to learn this stuff. If you already know it and you can agree with what he is saying then take your gum chewing, designer coffee, black glasses out of here and let someone in the class who doesn’t know everything. I sure hope she doesn’t join pep club and I’m damn sure she won’t get on the dance committee. I’m not planning any sock hops with her!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Happy Birthday Britta

Yesterday was my niece Britta's birthday. This is her at the Olympics last February. She was my special order baby. When my sister-in-law was pregnant with her I said it was going to be a girl with curly red hair. She told me no, there's no red hair in her family. I just kept insisting. Then on September 6, Labor Day, she gave birth to a little girl with curly red hair. Never doubt the power of a redhead.

She, and her siblings, and the children of many of my friends, have taught me what it is like to love someone more than life itself (although there were times when I was changing diapers that I wasn't all that fond of them). Britta has grown up to be an amazing woman. She has scores of friends and has become the favorite "aunt" to many of their children. She is a nurse and I'm sure will be more than happy to take care of me in my old age.

In fact when I would change all those diapers I'd tell each of those kids "Now when I'm old I expect you to do the same for me." I'm kind of hoping, though, that they don't feel obliged to give me a kiss on my belly after they've finished changing me although I wouldn't mind being tossed in the air. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. (By the way does anyone else absolutely love the Geiger commercial with the piggy going wee, wee, wee all the way home?)

Well happy birthday Britta. I love you more than chocolate.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Hit The Road Jack

So I came home from dinner last night and found this outside the front door. You know you're late with one mortgage payment and the bank does this!!!! I'm afraid to go down to the garage; I might find a tricycle in place of my car!

Long weekend coming up. My plans? I have the fourth season of Dexter that I'm going to watch. Nothing says holiday like spending hours rooting for a serial killer. Sure, I know I should save it for Christmas but I just can't wait.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Sleep Wonderful Sleep

I slept through the night ... could easily have slept a lot more but I will tonight. I kept nodding off at work yesterday -- it was pretty funny. I'd be typing and then all of a sudden I'm falling asleep. I took quite a few strolls around the office to keep awake. I think people started to think I was casing the joint for purses and such. Oh well.

Unfortunately I slept later than usual so I have to hurry scurry to work. Hopefully I'll stay awake all day -- oh why should today be different from any other day.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Oy, Such A Beautiful Morning

Well I didn't wake up beautiful this morning because I have yet to fall asleep. Yes, I've been awake all night. I tossed and turned thinking about projects at work and then I got a brilliant idea and I tossed and turned thinking about how to execute it. After that I tossed and turned thinking about all the personal projects I have.

I can tell fall is here. I'm sorry to those of you who adore summer, but I'm always glad when summer is over. I loved summer as a kid, but once I started working -- it just wasn't the same. When I was in high school I use to stay up until 1 or 2 in the morning working in one of my many journals and then sleep until noon, get up and go hangout with my friends. What a life.

As much as I am dreading trying to get through part of the day on no sleep, I'm excited because this means my creative juices are starting to flow again. In summer I just can't seem to get pumped up about anything but for some reason fall just gets me going. I guess it goes back to the fact that everything seems to stop in the summer (except work) and come fall it's almost like another "new year's day." The slate is clean and we start all over again.

So at 4:15 I finally just got up. There is really no point in sleeping for 2 or 3 hours, in fact that will only make it worse. I figure I'll go into work early ... around 6 ... and then I can go home early ... around 2. Luckily I don't operate any heavy machinery -- or do I? I'm so tired I can't remember. I guess I'll put on a hard hat just in case.

Wish me luck staying awake. I'll need it. And if you think this is going to make my day confusing, poor Freckles has no idea what the heck is going on.