Here are some things you have to fear: you are going to start working about bone loss; you could break a hip (leg, knee, arm, wrist, ankle, back); you will have no money when you want to retire; they will raise the retirement/Medicare age on you; you will be fired for being too old; you can't find a new job because you're too old; your bladder is going to start to leak; you will have pains associated with changes in the weather; etc. etc.
Someone who is 35 isn't "starting over;" they've barely started. Talk to me when you're 50. What? Huh? Oh yes -- "Bitter, party of one."
And, GO TWINS!!!
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Thanks for taking the time to read my blog and comment. I have to check all comments to be sure you aren't saying nasty things -- are you saying nasty things???? I knew you wouldn't. Keep reading.