Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Goodbye Summer????

 Well it's going to be 90 degrees today ... I guess summer is over huh? I have one day left to Labor Day Weekend because, well I do.

Here are two of my favorite pics from the weekend. I am a big Clint Eastwood fan and it hurt to watch him talking to an empty chair. Not because of the politics -- I don't care if he likes Romney -- but it was so sad to see him rambling on and on. Oh well. I have to say it does make me feel better about talking to myself -- from now on I'll just pretend I'm talking to Abraham Lincoln.

The second picture is the result of my cleaning out my sock drawer. These are all socks to which I have no match. I have kept 3 of them -- the rainbow stripe, pink plaid, and olive green -- for a while because I keep hoping the match will show up. But alas, I think they will forever be orphans.

Today Daisy and I head over to the Humane Society. I want to take her to the Wallflower Play Group for shy dogs but first she has to be evaluated. I have, in my warped head, a picture of her laying on a little couch telling her dreams. "Well I'm in a room filled with cans of dog food and no can opener," "I invented a belly rubbing machine so I can have my needs met on demand," or the one all dogs have "I was at obedience school when I realized I had never gone to class and couldn't answer any questions on the test -- and I wasn't naked." I hope she passes mustard (or at least passes ketchup).

Finally, if you haven't seen Hope Springs I highly recommend it. Meryl Streep, Tommy Lee Jones, and Steve Carell were all fantastic. Lots of laughs, a few tears, but more laughs. Go see it -- don't make me say it again.

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