Monday, September 24, 2012

They're Here..........

 Can you feel it? It's like fire ants crawling up your legs.

Can you smell it? It's like living down wind of the stockyards.

Yes the bastards of baseball, the demons of the diamond, assholes of the American league are in town.

Those damn yankees.

And I will be at the game tonight with my lucky shirt and my voodoo doll (thanks to my friend Jean). Unfortunately I will be in a suite with clients and I won't be able to use the words I want to use.

I haven't always hated the yankees. When I was a kid I loved Mickey Mantle, Whitey Ford, Roger Maris, Yogi Berra (smarter than the average coach). I would root for them in the World Series. Then the Darth Vadar of baseball game to town -- George Steinbrenner -- and ruined baseball forever.

Not that I have any strong feelings about the topic.

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