Monday, November 5, 2012

I'm Home; I'm Home

Be it ever so humble and rather messy there's no place like home. I was in San Jose (yes I know the way) for the weekend and got home last night around 7:30. I was frisked at airport security ... well my ankles were frisked which was really odd. I have no idea what the x-ray showed that would cause someone to pat down my ankles but it was strange to say the least. My friend Geri has to be frisked all the time because of her knee replacement. She always tells them they have to buy her dinner but they never laugh. She's playing to the wrong audience.

Tomorrow is Election Day. The madness is almost over or it may almost be starting. It's so close I'm afraid there will be another Bush/Gore fiasco. I can't take another Bush/Gore fiasco, especially when Bush ends up winning. But no matter what, the political commercials will end and the Christmas commercials will kick into full gear. Oh boy, I can hardly wait ...

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