Friday, November 9, 2012

Sunny Day

Well the sun has come out ... both outside and inside. After months and months and months of feeling in limbo about money problems they have finally all been resolved. None of them are exactly what I was hoping for but they are resolved. It's amazing how just knowing where I stand makes me feel better -- even if I'm not standing where I want to. As the great philosophers (the Rolling Stones) said you can't always get what you want but you get what you need.

So now I can move on and make decisions based on fact not maybes. How nice.

And the sun is shining outside and it will be a heatwave in the 50s this weekend. I'm going to have to dig into my cedar chest and find my tankini so I can head to the beach.

Last night I was watching television (such an unusual evening for me -- yeah right) and this commercial came on that started with a scene from the ocean and I thought it was going to be some political ad when it dawned on me THERE ARE NO POLITICAL ADS and I was led to rise from my couch and do a short, but lovely, happy dance. NO POLITICAL ADS, NO POLITICAL ADS. It just brought out the hokey pokey in my heart.

I am amazed, or maybe not so amazed, by the anger over the results. I remember in 1980 when Reagan won my friend's husband (now ex-husband) made a gigantic sign and put it on his lawn saying "What Have You Done America?" That was about as angry as people got -- at least that I recall. And we all lived through 8 years of Reagan and his minion George H.W. It's part of being in a democracy -- you can't always get what you want and sometimes you don't get what you need either.

So today is a good day -- and I'm hoping for many good days to come and I'm still hoping for a pony for my birthday because that's the kind of gal I am.

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