Which brings up something I've been thinking about for quite a while. Now that all my shows have ended for the season, I need to turn off the television and do something else. It is way too easy for me to come home from work, turn on the TV, and spend the rest of the night channel surfing and watching nothing but shows I've already seen a dozen times -- some of which I have on DVD and could watch whenever I want any who. Anyone else out there a TV junkie? When I was in college I spent one summer without TV. I gave my set to my brother to keep for the summer and I have to admit it was a good summer. I went out more, read more, just had a better time. So, while I don't plan on getting rid of my television for the summer I do have a plan Stan - I'm not going to watch any reruns and I'm going to record the shows I want to watch such as the new Betty White show and The Closer. That way I can skip the commercials and watch them when I want to. We'll see how this goes. Wish me luck but don't hide my remote.
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