Last night I was hoping to watch a rerun of Glee that I hadn't seen before but there was severe weather watches in Minnesota so the meteorologists at all our local stations were having orgasms and we had to watch. The maps showed yellow areas, red areas, orange areas, blue areas etc. I felt more like I was watching a lecture on the Allies march into Europe than a weather report. I know they have to keep people posted on the weather but after a while you not only stop paying attention, you switch the channel to a cable station that doesn't care if it's raining in Minnesota. It's like the Chicken Little story - they cry the sky is falling so many times that you stop listening. That's when people get hurt.
I remember last year when there was a tornado in downtown Minneapolis. We could see it from the windows of the building where I work and then five minutes later we received a warning. That was a big help.
So 1) it's severe weather season so don't plan on watching any television shows you like and 2) only two months until my birthday. I'm looking forward to being 42.
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