Hot Off The Presses --
The Ferndale Garden Club installed new officers at its annual installation dinner this past week at the Linthicum Women's Club clubhouse.
Marie Krawczyk, a former member of the club, installed the officers during a candlelight ceremony. The new officers include: Marge Dishman, president, Hella Stevenson, vice president, Mary Hirsch, secretary and Denise Dietz, treasurer.
The club meets at 7 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month from August to April at the Ferndale Senior Center, 7205 Baltimore Annapolis Blvd. A program committee will meet during the summer months to plan the next year's activities
I'm so proud to accept this office and hope that I will bloom into a budding rose of a secretary. Considering that recently I passed away, this is quite an honor. Almost as good as being a Wikiquote. Hopefully I can live up to the hype.
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