My grandma’s family lived on a farm in Hallock, Minnesota which is right on the Canadian border. Her older sister Edith (on the right in this picture – the one who looks a little tipsy) was quite the character. Well back then there was no fourth grade movie to tell girls about that special thing that was going to be happening to their body so, of course, they had to rely on someone in the family clueing them in. Well no one had told my Aunt Edith anything about anything. So one night Edith woke up and discovered she was bleeding. She jumps out of bed, and immediately starts running through the house shouting “I’ve been shot. I’ve been shot.”
Many years later, when the family had sold the farm and moved to Minneapolis, Aunt Edit was applying for a job at Dayton's selling women's clothing. On the application one of the questions was "Sex." Aunt Edith answered "Once in Cincinnati." She got the job.
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