I'm not sure why I can remember this date so well. The only thing I can think of is it was right before Valentine's Day and somehow at that time it made it feel extra devastating. Who knows. Well rest in peace Tom.
Warm up ahead ... yippee. If it gets to 30 it will feel like 50. I may have to put the top down on my car. Anyone want to go for a ride?
I'm glad the weekend is almost here ... I have lots of plans with friends which is always fun. But most important - I'm going to look for a new desk chair. I sit on this one for hours at a time and it's not very comfortable, plus it tried to kill me the other day. Oh you think I forgot that didn't you, you rollie pollie chair. Then I'm going to get a desk, a real desk. Or, as my friend Jean would say, I'm getting "grown up furniture." Like I'm a grown up.
Have a good weekend.
WHOOP-ta-Ha! After spending the past 11 days holed up, school cancelled, I can't tell you how appreciative I was to be alone. I've lived alone for 4 1/2 months, but without the lowground for over 15 years. I was married for 20, so my big celebration will come when I have lived longer as an adult without him than I did with him. Only 4 1/2 years to go!