This is a guest post from my friend Peter. He is pictured here in his normal state of loveliness.
I ran to Bruegger's to grab a sandwich for lunch; I walked up to the counter to place my order with the incredibly friendly staffer. While making the sandwich, he asked me how my day was. I responded with the typical "fine." He pressed a bit and asked if anything interesting happened to me today. Did I meet anyone new? Did I have any good meetings? Have I seen a Muppet? To which I responded "Nope, just a good day."
After a few seconds I finally asked "Wait a minute; did you just ask me if I saw a Muppet?" He said "Yep, I certainly did. Wouldn't it be great if you could be walking down the street and run into a Muppet."
I have to say, this put a HUGE smile on my face. What a great thing to say; how could anyone NOT smile after being asked that question? After this, I thought how easy -- and nice -- it is that people take the time to make you smile. I honestly have to say, I'll go back to that place as often as possible. Interesting the impact one person can have.
And yes, it WOULD be great if I could walk down the street and see a Muppet. I miss them.
This Bruegger's is on 46th & Nicollet. And Peter makes me smile every once in a while when he's not telling me he hates me (although he really loves me).
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