I have this tool kit I bought at a silent auction and it has all sorts of, well tools. I'm going to have to have Brett come over and explain what all the things it it are for. I figured out the pliers, the needle nosed pliers, the screwdriver, the ratchet (although I'm not sure what I'm suppose to ratch), the hammer, and the glue gun for all my craft projects -- but I have no idea what all those little points and circles of some sort are for. I think it has to do with a power screwdriver but there isn't one of those in the kit so I guess I would have to buy one. This could lead to furniture assemblying, but I don't think so.
Ooooh, I LOVE tool kits! I bet those circles attach to the ratchet. Wait, are they sockets? Needle nose pliers are my favorite and all my life I've kept them in the kitchen drawer because they are so handy. Good luck, I'm impressed already!