Monday, August 27, 2012

Blue Ribbons, Goats and an Old Lady

In case you haven't see this photo -- the in thing with babies today is to take a picture of them in an outfit that says "1 month" "2 months" etc. so I thought for my birthday I'd follow the trend. 696 months is a lot of months.

I'm heading to the fair this week. Mostly to see my nephew Brett's BLUE RIBBON entry of a handmade 3-person chessboard. It is on display at the Creative Arts Building. I'm very proud of him. I'll post some pictures next time so you can see how cool it is.

Been using my CPAP machine lately. And NO it has nothing to do with a PAP test -- if it does I'm not using it correctly. It does really help me sleep better and I'm not so tired during the day. It still is a pain in the ass to use and I would rather not have it but it's better than sleeping with a goat -- which has nothing to do with sleep apnea but I have a feeling in some countries if you had sleep apnea they would tell you that sleeping with a goat would cure you.

Well on that goat note I think I'll bail. Have a happy happy Monday.

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