Daisy spent all of her life at a breeder facility. She wasn't in a "puppy mill" but she did live in a kennel and never had a family. She just kept delivering puppies until they didn't need her anymore. Poor little Daisy. Well she has retired at Camp Mary where she will be treated well.
Maude: I should like to change into a sunflower most of all. They're so tall and simple. What flower would you like to be?
Harold: I don't know. One of these, maybe.
Maude: Why do you say that?
Harold: Because they're all alike.
Maude: Oooh, but they're *not*. Look. See, some are smaller, some are fatter, some grow to the left, some to the right, some even have lost some petals. All *kinds* of observable differences. You see, Harold, I feel that much of the world's sorrow comes from people who are *this*,
[she points to a daisy]
Maude: yet allow themselves be treated as *that*.
[she gestures to a field of daisies]
And so let's all usher in the era of Daisy.
I can't think of a better way to retire than at Casa Mary. Or it's official name, Casa de Maria Empenada Chiquita Pinto Swell Gal.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on taking Miss Daisy into your life. She is one very lucky dog!