Sunday, August 19, 2012

Fancy Nails and Daisy Update

I had my day (well actually 1/2 a day) of beauty on Saturday for my birthday. I went to the Spalon Montage in Edina where life is beautiful all the time. It is a very high class outfit and I'm not sure I fit right in but I'm not sure that matters.

The first stop was to have a facial. I've had one before, or I thought I had, but this was something else. You go into a room that has soft lighting and that music playing that I believe is suppose to make you feel tranquil but after about 10 minutes makes me feel like I want to take stab my eardrums with a bamboo shoot. But the massaging took away the edge. It was going so well until all of a sudden this bright light is shone on me (I had some kind of eye protectors on) and McKenzie began to remove blackheads and unclog pores -- OUCH!!! It felt like a razor going into my face. I didn't like that at all but I have to admit my face felt mah-vah-lous. Then back to massaging. By the time it was over I felt a bit like a wet noodle but I had no time for that. It was off to my hair cut.

Amber has been cutting my hair for quite a while now and she does such a great job. I was trying to convince her to give me a Mylie Cyrus look but I think she may have lost her license if she had done so.

After the hair cut it was pedi time. Mi (or My?) had her hands full with me. We discovered quickly that I was a big more ticklish than I thought. She had to keep telling me to relax my toes. I apparently have highly stressed out toes. But I love the whirlpool you get to put your feet in but the room has five stations that were all filled and I felt a bit like I was at the Jiffy Lube in stall 3. Mi also did my manicure -- the results you can see here.

When I checked out I told them not to tell me the total ... I didn't want to know. When I finally looked it was not as high as I expected so that was good. It was a fun to be pampered, if only for a few hours.

Daisy Report

Miss Daisy and I are having a great time together. She has really settled in here. She likes to run from the bed to the loveseat to the couch and back until she finally lands wherever I am. She does like to be in the same room as me -- aw sweet. She is a great walking dog too. We go for a nice walk three or four times a day. She doesn't stop as much as her big sister Freckles so we can get around the block rather quickly. The other day I was getting out of the shower and I heard some noise, when I peeked in the living room Miss Daisy was standing on top of the coffee table, looking proud as can be. I had left some of my Honey Nut Cheerios there and it was too much for her. Which is surprising because she doesn't like many treats and does eat a lot of food. You have to mix her kibble with soft food in order for her to eat it -- and even then she'll only eat what has soft food on it. The dog treats I would give to Freckles she has no interest in -- what a crazy dog. Her biggest interest is in getting her belly rubbed. Yesterday I learned she likes to have you put a blanket on her and let her figure her way out.

Wouldn't it be nice if all you really wanted out of life was some food now and then, a little water, a walk, and to have your belly rubbed. I do, however, feel like life has thrown a big blanket over me and I'm trying to find my way out. I hope when I do get out someone will give me a belly rub (or at least unplug my closed pores).

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