Monday, October 22, 2012

Want to know a secret?

In a weak moment I volunteered to be on a committee for a conference that is this Thursday. It was an excellent learning experience for me and reminded me to NEVER NEVER EVER VOLUNTEER TO BE ON A COMMITTEE AGAIN.

I'm not a good committee person -- I mean I have great ideas and people go with other ideas -- what's wrong with them?!?! I think in most instances people are better off with a benevolent dictator telling them what to do than with a committee of people who are trying to "come to a consensus." Oh sure you try to do that in a democracy but look at where it's gotten us. Our current consensus government couldn't agree that the sky is blue, the grass is green, and women should never have to pay taxes.

So at our last meeting it was decided we would write a question on the name tag as an ice breaker. I suggested "where is the kinkiest  place you've had sex" but the consensus was to go with something else.  So instead we are answering "what is something about yourself that you've told anyone." Who the hell is going to tell a total stranger about something that they've never told their best friend, besides Catholics who go to confession and tell the truth?

So this leaves me with a world of possibilities for my answer to this question. Some possibilities are:

  • I'm going to kill my family and eat them for Thanksgiving -- shhhh don't tell
  • I am a man trapped in a woman's body and I can't help fondling her breasts
  • I was sent here to save your soul
  • I suffer from vaginal dryness
  • My thighs are brought to you by Jell-O pudding
  • I've never felt this attracted to a stranger before
  • I like to shove Skittles up my nose and shoot them out at people
Oh the possibilities are endless. If you have any suggestions, let me know. Send them here.

George McGovern

I have a poster from the 1972 election of Senator McGovern. It is framed and hanging in my living room. Many years ago when he was in the Twin Cities on a book tour I brought my framed poster to meet him. We talked about that time and he signed the back of the poster. It is one of those objects that I would try to save if there was a fire.

I am so proud to say I had a car with a "Don't Blame Me I Voted For McGovern" sticker on it. And I'm prouder to say I had the chance to NOT vote for nixon.

He was a good man who spent his "retirement" years working to feed the hungry. I think he is one of the reasons I'm a bleeding heart liberal today. He was a man of peace who should now rest in peace.

Monday, October 8, 2012

I'm Still Around

I apologize to my faithful readers. I have been in a tailspin lately with personal issues.

I promise I'll be back. I just need to take care of some things that are overshadowing everything else.

The two thoughts that keep me going are:

1) it's only money; and
2) this too shall pass.

The third thought is against the law so I won't publish it to be used against me in a court of law (can you just hear the cha-ching of Law & Order in the background?).

I will tell you that I'm amazed at how I just do things I don't know if I would have done in the past. This morning on the bus there's this guy, probably in his early 20s, slouched down in his seat with his feet up on the side seats in front of him. That is annoying enough but he has his gym bag or whatever laying open in the center of the aisle. So I walk up, kick the bag under his seat and say "This isn't the frat house, sit up." Amazingly he did. Next time I'm going to pull his ear like one of the mom's on the block use to do if she wanted to get you to physically move. Once you've had your ear pulled you become much more cooperative with future requests.

So I'm okay. I know I'll come out of this fine one way or another. I appreciate the email asking where I am. It's nice to know I'm missed out here in cyper land.