Sunday, November 27, 2011

Let The Holidays Being

Could someone tell me on what planet would this concoction look delicious to anyone who isn't starving to death. In the New York Times of all places. I don't know what this is, but it has enough corn and brown stuff to keep a person grossed out and on the toilet for a long time.

Now that I have that out in the open, on to new items. I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving.  My tree is up and the lights are on and blinking, and just about everything else I want to have out is out. I still have to hang my pretty neon sparkly snowflakes from the ceiling. I hope to do that on Monday night.

I'm glad that "Black Friday" is over. Let's see, some lady in Los Angeles pepper sprayed people at a Wal-Mart in order to have a better chance at an Xbox. A crowd goes crazy over some $2.00 waffle irons at Wal-Mart in Little Rock. And finally, a Target worker who had to be at work at 11 p.m. on Thanksgiving fell asleep driving home and went into a canal in Florida. People were being robbed as they went to their cars, having their bags of goodies taken from them. Way to start the holiday season -- ho, ho, ho.

On a high note (I believe that's high "C") I went to see The Muppet Movie on Sunday and it was fantastic. I have been singing "Mahna-Mahna" all day long. If all those idiots at Black Friday had just been singing Mahna-Mahna I think they would have been in a better mood -- or not. Either way, go see this movie no matter how old you are. There were probably as many adults at the movie as kids. Lots of funny references to the 80s when the Muppets were so popular. My friend Peter and I are hoping a successful movie will bring the Muppets back to television. I think they should have Miss Piggy be a contestant on Dancing with the Stars and Kermit and Fozzie could be on the Amazing Race.

So in summary -- disgusting goulash, decorations almost up, people are nuts, go see the Muppets. Okay, you are now free to roam about the internet.

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